Assuming you have docker running at home, check out these two docker projects – one is the cache (powered by nginx), the other is the dns servcie (which intercepts steam calls)
When you have all three up and running you can confirm HITS to the cache by running the following against the steamcache container;
docker exec -it steamcache tail -f /data/logs/access.log
This is great if you have a gaming cafe or LAN over at your house on occasion, all steam games will be cached to local disk so that your internet pipe gets a break. ;)
Update 15/10/2018
- Added SNI-Proxy. More and more HTTPS request break above if not implemented. Steam is pushing some images / videos via HTTPS now.
- Replaced steamcache/steamcache with steamcache/generic – seems to have more active development around it
- does not appear to be in generic cache yet.
Update 1/11/2018
- Switched back to steamcache/steamcache. steamcache/generic was much slower (re-validated downloads etc) which isn’t needed for my small network. I’m after performance! :)