Unifi Video Controller NVR for UNRAID

If you run UNRAID at home and you have a UniFi Camera system then check out my latest container….


A dockerised UniFi NVR

Ubiquiti UniFi-Video-Controller (NVR) — Docker Container

Ubuntu 16.04, UniFi-Video-Controller 3.8.3

Setup / Quick Start

docker run \
--net=host \
-v /var/lib/unifi-video/:<YOUR DATA DIR> \
-v /var/log/unifi-video/:<YOUR LOG DIR> \


UNRAID – If you have issue with MongoDB continually restarting please check your data mapping. I have seen issues where user shares do not work correctly. Please try mapping direct to a single disk or to cache drive to ensure smooth operation.

i.e. instead of /mnt/user/usershare/nvr/data  use  /mnt/disk1/usershare/nvr/data

Update 4/02/2020 ;

I would recommend using this docker image – https://hub.docker.com/r/pducharme/unifi-video-controller/ 

I have found that i no longer require a direct disk mapping as stated above, the built in DB seems to work fine on user shares. Unraid 6.8.2 

New Commandline as per follows; 

docker create --name='unifi-video-controller' 
-e TZ="Pacific/Auckland"
-e HOST_OS="Unraid"
-e 'PUID'='99'
-e 'PGID'='100'
-v '/mnt/user/appdata-unifi/unifi-video/':'/var/lib/unifi-video':'rw'
-v '/mnt/user/appdata-unifi/unifi-video/videos/':'/usr/lib/unifi-video/data/videos':'rw'

I use ‘host’ network mappings just as there are a ton of ports and i’m lazy – use bridge ports if you want to reduce footprint. 

my first few docker containers

This is my first dabbling in creating my OWN git hub (for the code) and docker hub (for the orchestration / build)


I have created a container for Unifi-Video NVR and storj. Yet to update documentation on Storj container.

I’m currently working on building containers for a news indexer, either newsnab or nzedb. There is another docker project called pynab which was an interesting idea, but seems to have gone stale over time. It used to be almost hands free indexer that ran reasonably efficiently. I’m hoping to re-create something similar soon.
